ようこそ!楽しいアウトドアchへ! ”Good seller” ”Good buyer” ”Good for the world” ともに頑張ろう!日本!世界!

森で過ごすひとりの時間と、アウトドアコーヒー|Spending time alone in the woods & outdoor coffee

森で過ごすひとりの時間と、アウトドアコーヒー|Spending time alone in the woods & outdoor coffee


Solo camping in the woods, making tools out of trees, outdoor coffee using my brand-new kettle etc.

このチャンネルについて – About this channel


Moved to Gujo, a small town in Gifu prefecture from Tokyo. Making films to introduce my lifestyles, landscape, camping and bushcraft I have learned from Japanese Satoyama culture.

撮影機材 – Video gear

・Camera:SONY α7SII
・Lens:SIGMA 24-70mm F2.8 DGDN Art
・Mic:audio-technica AT9945CM
・Tripod:SLIK エアリーカーボン 644LED WQ
・Editing Soft:Adobe Premiere Pro

